O % Online Ordering
The only 5 things that you need to know.
Your Carryout Orders will be Bigger.
Online Orders are on avg. 25% – 50% larger than phone orders.
Works with your existing website or the one we provide at no charge.
You become a member restaurant and we handle the rest. Menus, maintenance, reporting, promotional materials and monthly assistance. Credit Card processing also available.
Works on 98% of all Internet
connected devices.
Smartphones, PC’s. Laptops, Tablets all function with our system.
Orders are delivered directly
& automatically to your restaurant
Orders are delivered instantly to your free tablet.
We guarantee this service to be profitable.
Our pricing is attractive and affordable.
Few businesses can claim that they still have their very first client. We can!
The reason is simple. Each and every restaurant we deal with makes money on our service each and every month.
There are no long term contracts because we earn our way in your business month by month.